Mobile vs Desktop profile view is the new a privacy issue for Google+
Incredible. The Google+ desktop experience WRT profile view is different from the mobile view. The mobile view is pulling in outdated older Account Management information over that of the new profile in Google+. Unfortunately there is no way for G+ users to go back and edit this as your presented with the "new" account management portal. Frustrating and yet this earmarks another potential privacy issue by Google. Who else is experiencing this? Too see it in action, check out my Profile on the desktop and mobile versions.
iPhone 4G Scavenger Hunt - Island Pond, NH [Map]
On January 28th a group of three 4-wheelers headed out on the ice for a loop around Island Pond. It was 12AM and there was about 10 inch's of snow above the ice. The iPhone fell out of my pocket and into the snow some where along the route shown in Google Maps (Below). The battery died and could not be geolocated. After several trips and even an excursion by foot the next day the phone was not found.
This is an open challenge for anyone interested in finding an iPhone 4. I am willing to pay a cash prize to the person who locates it or, you can keep the phone. Entirely up to you. Good luck and good hunting!
View iPhone 4 Scavenger Hunt in a larger map
Parrot AR.Drone gets mod/hacked for object-tracking [Video]
Tinkerer Psykokwak has figured out Urbi integration – an open-source robotics software platform – to give the AR.Drone object-tracking abilities (in this case it can identify and follow a red ball) as well as broader control options, including a Wiimote, a joystick or pretty much anything else that can hook up to your computer, in a mere 25 lines of code.
Read more at [tywigs.org]