
Dwarf Mistletoe Reveals Its Sexual Secrets

Dwarf Mistletoe Reveals Its Sexual Secrets: "'The dwarf species I studied in Manitoba has a gestation period of one-and-a-half years, after which the seed blasts out of the fruit. This extreme buildup of water pressure as a seed dispersal system is rare in the plant world,' says Dr. Cynthia Ross, an assistant professor at the University College of the Cariboo in Kamloops, British Columbia."

"The dwarf species I studied in Manitoba has a gestation period of one-and-a-half years, after which the seed blasts out of the fruit. This extreme buildup of water pressure as a seed dispersal system is rare in the plant world," says Dr. Cynthia Ross, an assistant professor at the University College of the Cariboo in Kamloops, British Columbia.

What would a forest of sexual ready mistletoe sound like?

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